Sunday, October 26, 2008

Twirly, Whirly Sundress

I made this strappy sundress for Miss H this week, the pattern came from here. I used some Anna Maria Horner fabric, which I absolutely adore. Miss H though, on first inspection of the dress said "but Mummy, I want a pink one". She was soon won over by the twirliness of the dress, and I have barely been able to get it off her since!

I'm also working on a couple of pairs of shorts for the boy, and hope to get them finished off asap... so stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A long time coming

I started this quilt for Archie when I was pregnant with him... it's been a long time in the making, well actually a long time on the shelf waiting to be made. Archie was born in April, so I was pregnant over a very, very hot summer... in a little hotbox with lots of big windows, crappy aluminium Venetians and no air-conditioning... it was horrendous, and so not much sewing got done. Then my machine packed it in and it was all over. Until recently!

I finally finished the top, and my wonderful Mum quilted it for me, and bound it (which she never does, so I'm very grateful), and she even put a little tag on the back for me to make it extra special. But it is extra special anyway, a quilt for my boy, made with love by his Gran and Mummy... sigh.


We're just back from a roadtrip holiday in Tasmania. It was beautiful and exhausting, lovely and frustrating, serene and noisy... depending on how the car was traveling (well, the small passengers in the car anyway!)
Regardless of the difficulties of a roadtrip with a three and one year old, it was wonderful to be together as a family. It was great to watch the kids fall in wallaby poo on the farm, chase the chickens and lambs, and sleep in the car, and it was lovely to drink wine and eat cheese with my lover in front of a log fire when our children had flaked out in bed. We're very lucky to all have one another, I'm so in-love with them.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lazy days and bubbles floating....

After a fortnight of sore back, cold weather, and general lack of motivation, I've finally made something. First up was the Lazy Days Skirt, a free tutorial I found here, following a tip off from the talented Pink Lizzy.

It was a real cinch to make, didn't take very long at all. I used one third of a vintage tablecloth I bought on e-bay donkeys ago, and some grosgrain ribbon I had lying around (I love it when that happens!). I lurvvvvve the red and yellow combo, and it was so cheap I wont mind when Miss Harper runs around in our muddy back yard in it! All up, a huge success.

On a roll, I gave the Oliver & S Bubble Dress ago. I've had it cut out for about a month now. It was much easier than I thought, finished in under two hours, a big slap on the back for my speedy sewing (although, I'd better come clean, it doesn't have buttons yet!) I tried it on Harps, and it fits, just. So, possibly will hand this one onto someone smaller and make the bigger size for her for Summer. The fabric is El Cheapo poplin from Spotlight, but very sweet. Harper might get lucky with the next one and be indulged with some of my Anna Maria Horner fabric! It makes me nervous just thinking about cutting it though, it's so purtey...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Loving the Postie!

Look what arrived for me yesterday... my first international fabric haul! It's fairly impressive, if I do say so myself. Mum and I placed an order together, hers aren't in the pics though - they're all mine baby! It's all Anna Maria Horner, a mix of her Garden Party and Drawing Room ranges, and I'm totally in love with it all. Now for the tough part, turning it into something that does it justice. Perhaps I will just let it sit around for a while so I can look at it and sigh happily.....

I'm actually thinking of a dress for myself with the red & cream one, or maybe a quilt... I can't decide...

Not much other sewing going on. I have been working on a quilt for Archie, hopefully it will be done before he moves into a bed! Not much to go now, just the edges, quilting and binding... hmmmm. Am totally booked out this weekend, so no sewing time, damn these social commitments. I really must to learn to be more surly so as to avoid invitations. Hope to be back next week with some sort of creating, maybe macaroni necklaces at least??

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm a great un-picker!

These are some pants I made for Arch... I was a bit tired on the day, and originally stitched the cuffs to the waist, oops. I have to admit to being a huge fan of Project Runway Australia at this point, and to quote one of the contestants, Leigh, "everyone was put on this planet for a reason, it just turns out mine was to unpick!" That's how I'm feeling after these pants.
After some unpicking, lots of cussing, and Mick telling me to either chuck it in or power through, these are the finished product. I actually quite adore them, none more so than when Archie is wearing them and looking so, so cute. The denim stripe was a freebie fabric from my MIL, and I've got heaps of it! And the trim is the from the fab Michael Miller Dick & Jane series. Think I will make a few more pairs with different trims, and some lightweight ones for Summer. I am such a fan of elasticised waists for wriggling, squirming, hating to sit still and get dressed kiddies.

Apologies for the poor pics, Archie is not much of a model, he much prefers to get himself dirty in the sand. Also, am having trouble getting the pictures to align, go figure.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A handbag at last!

I signed up for the Newbie Sewers Bag Challange, and think I bit off a little more than I could chew when I picked the Melly & Me Toffee Apple Bag. Lisa did such a spectacular job on hers that I was totally inspired... that got me through the first few pages of instructions, but I came a bit unstuck trying to attach the bag bottom to the rest of the bag. Eventually I got there, and ended up with a bag which I think will hold a purse and mobile, so I guess that's success! I used some very fine drawstring cord which isn't really cutting it, so I may replace that I think. And I am quite happy with the fabric combination, even if it does look a little bit like a pot pouri explosion!!!!! 

There hasn't been too much other sewing going on, I'm a little distracted by the olympics... and the fact that it is practically sub zero degrees at the sewing station/ garage. I am fairly determined to get back in the groove, and have lots of things on my to do list! Hopefully this weekend will bring some opportunities to get out there. I can only hope.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Special sewing for Owen

My bestie just had a baby boy, Owen. Here is a set I made for him. I embroidered his name, and a little kite on the t-shirt. It was my first attempt at free form stitching like that, so I'm pretty pleased with it. It's a little difficult to make out on the red spots, but I think some of the charm is in the subtlety. The cloth shoes I adore, and the pants are just a little bit extra. We're going to meet him tomorrow and I'm so excited I can barely contain myself! I so hope she likes the special handmade gifts, I have loved making them for her beautiful boy.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Wow, I've been tagged! Up until yesterday I didn't even know what that meant, so thanks PinkLizzy for the introduction...

Here's what I have to do,
1. Link to the person who "tagged" you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

So, here are my tid-bits
1. My husband and I were work colleagues, the housemates before we started "dating", though you can't really call it that since we were already living together. But secretly, the first time I met him, on a tour of my new workplace, I had a "feeling" that we'd end up together in some way. I'm not saying it was love at first sight, or that I knew he was the man I'd marry... it was just a funny little feeling inside that I got whenever he was around. Corny I know, but it's the truth!

2. I'm a bit of a "gunna", you know the type, start a hundred things then never finish. To date I've started five higher education qualifications (the one I'm currently doing included!) and haven't finished any!!! It's terrible, and I don't really know what to say about it. I am however, very confident that I will finish this current one.

3. I'm addicted to babies. I don't know if the feeling will ever go away, but I'm addicted to that feeling of making a brand new person. If finances, logistics and mine & my husbands sanity were not considerations I'd have more. Currently we're in negotiations over number 3. Maybe next year?

4. I'm incredibly lazy. I hate exercise, in any form. Sadly, it's a necessity for me as I am constantly watching my weight. It's been an ongoing battle for about a decade now, and it continues.

5. I wish I lived in another time, maybe the 50's. I hate that in today's society it's not "enough" to be a full time stay at home mum. I wish it was economically viable to live off one income, and that I wasn't constantly being asked when I was "going back to work". Because what I do now is a walk in the park? That said, I totally respect the desire and right for mums to work and not be judged for it, my preference would be not to, that's all.

6. I love to cook, anything and everything. However, I'll admit that cakes are not my strong suit. It's a patience thing, I'm forever opening the oven door to check on them. I have improved over the past two years though, but I'd say salads are my specialty!

Ok, that's six things about me, hope it wasn't too dull. Unfortunately I have to break the rules... I can't tag another six people. I'm pretty new to the blogging scene, and all the talented chicks I know have been tagged already! Sorry to be unable to fulfil the T&C's, but hopefully you'll be ok with just a little insight into Kate x

Monday, July 28, 2008

Summery Dress

Managed a bit more sewing last week and knocked up (yeah - like it was so quick!) this round neck dress with some old fabric that was lying around begging to be made into something. It only took one night, and I did have to unpick a few times after sewing the fabric with wrong sides together (oops)... twice (duh?).

As you can see, I haven't quite finished the buttonholes yet, but I had to get something new onto this blog! It is supposed to be tracking my sewing after all. And please excuse the cheap plastic coat hanger, totally ruined my artsy shot - Mick would hang his head. I was very pleased with the outcome, and just love the blue flowery fabric, and so does Harper.

Found this pattern here via those inspiring ladies in the newbie sewers forum. Thanks girls, it was a winner and can't wait to try out some more fabric combos in this dress style x

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Finally some sewing

I got started with some sewing last night, out in the garage (perhaps will purchase some rock star 80's type fingerless gloves... it's freezing out there!) Lovely husband spurred me on by bringing out a hot chocolate and chocolate covered sticks (tee-vee snack style - yummo), just when I was ready to throw it in. But with a warm belly I managed to get these two crayon rolls finished. I used an old moo moo of my MIL's for the outside, which will delight her no end, and was quite pleased with the final result, apart from a small issue with my machine, which I think is tension related, anyhoo... was quite chuffed to have a finished project, until I discovered that the crayons I bought today are too big! Devastating. I'm sure Miss H won't mind, since I did splurge and get the nice triangle shaped crayons. The other roll is for our dear friend Isabel, who's about to become a big sister. I'm hoping her own special crayon roll will help keep her busy while her mummy is busy with the bubba (who should be here any day now!!!)

Also received my vintage Poppies Tablecloth in the mail, which I won on ebay. It's even more lovely than the photo's, and I can't wait to turn it into something fab. Maybe a dress or skirt, not sure yet. Am still waiting on another tablecloth purchased on ebay, has been a while now and I'm starting to worry it has gone astray. Will keep my fingers crossed when postie cycles by tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Peppa Pig Party!

Miss Harper turned 3 recently, and we threw her a Peppa Pig party. Complete with snouts made from egg cartons, pink balloons and one spectacular cake (if I do say so myself!) 

It was a hoot! It was a girls only affair, apart from Archie the icing monster, 
and we set up a little painting activity (inside, due to the icy weather) and general giggly good fun was had by all.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fairy Fun

Little Miss H and I went to The Fairies concert last week, to see Harmony & Rhapsody in the flesh! Sadly, no Rhys though, mind you the stand in Elf did some quite spectacular tricks (you know, somersaults in the air and the like). There was one late night, and one long Sunday putting together her outfit. She had wanted a dress like Harmony, and had insisted on the insipid purple and pink combo. I tried my hardest to steer her towards something a little more subtle, maybe green or blue, but she would have none of it. I followed a simplicity pattern, which actually has a zip, but as I used panne velvet I fully lined the bodice, and left out the zip. I must confess it was a tad more difficult than I had anticipated, particularly with the netting underneath. But Harper was happy, and felt very fairy like, and I think she looked the part.I wasn't totally happy with the outfit, but as soon as she had it on she was so happy and I thought she was gorgeous. Here is a photo of her looking her best... 

Friday, July 18, 2008

The first one...

Well, all it took was a few champers, and here I am, writing my first post. In short here are my stats... I am 29 yrs old, married to a wonderful man, Mick,  and two delightful (hmm, sometimes) children, Harper my 3 year old princess and Archie my 1 year old monkey. I am a SAHM, and have decided to create an empire based on my basic sewing skills and love of fabric and markets! So here is my blog to track my progress. My first goal is to get together some kids garments to sell at markets over the summer... hey, if nothing else it will be a morning at the market out of the house, a few coffees, maybe some of those profitijes and general adult conversation - wonderful! Here's hoping I make some spending money too.

First step, set up the sewing station in the cold, cold garage. It's a job for the weekend, when Muscles will be home.

Bye for now.