Friday, August 22, 2008

Loving the Postie!

Look what arrived for me yesterday... my first international fabric haul! It's fairly impressive, if I do say so myself. Mum and I placed an order together, hers aren't in the pics though - they're all mine baby! It's all Anna Maria Horner, a mix of her Garden Party and Drawing Room ranges, and I'm totally in love with it all. Now for the tough part, turning it into something that does it justice. Perhaps I will just let it sit around for a while so I can look at it and sigh happily.....

I'm actually thinking of a dress for myself with the red & cream one, or maybe a quilt... I can't decide...

Not much other sewing going on. I have been working on a quilt for Archie, hopefully it will be done before he moves into a bed! Not much to go now, just the edges, quilting and binding... hmmmm. Am totally booked out this weekend, so no sewing time, damn these social commitments. I really must to learn to be more surly so as to avoid invitations. Hope to be back next week with some sort of creating, maybe macaroni necklaces at least??

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